Human Resources

Cover for Spooky Volume 1 - Spring/Summer 2024My story Human Resources just came out in the Spooky Magazine Spring/Summer 2024 Issue.

Eloisoft is a great place to work–good hours, tons of perks and, to be honest, the work is pretty easy.

Wena’s only problem is that her friends and coworkers keep disappearing, and no one seems to know what’s happening to them. It seems like IT might know something, but talking to them is practically like talking to someone from a different species…

I’d somehow forgotten that I’d sold this story, so it was a nice surprise when I got the email today telling me it was now out! Looking forward to reading the other stories.

2 Comments on “Human Resources

  1. Ha! Is that another author milestone … forgetting you had sold a story?
    Just ordered it but after reading it will probably ask you to sign it and donate it to either MHC Literacy Auction or the COSine one in my sporadic attempt to cut down on stuff coming *into* the house.
    And congratulations!

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