Reprint of Graveyard

My story Graveyard was just reprinted in the Scientists of Metaphorosis collection. The story was originally printed in Metaphorosis magazine way back in 2018.

I sort-of qualify as a “Scientist” in that I am often referred to as a “Computer Scientist,” although that seems to stretch the term Scientist to the breaking point. Now, testing how far you can stretch scientists–that would be real science!

Anyway, it is a story I am quite fond of, so glad to see it get out and about a bit more. I think this is now my most-reprinted story.

In addition to the paperback, there is also a hardback version and the e-book will be available next week. (I’ll update this post with the deets).

1 Comment on “Reprint of Graveyard

  1. Woo hoo! (I’ll probably get the ebook to keep the overflowing bookshelves down.) But what’s this “way back in 2018”? Six years! Of course, that included COVID and lockdown, which seemed to last forever, so I give you a pass. 😉

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